
Bonus Pick.

I felt like sharing another one. The Judd Apatow cult classic Freaks and Geeks (with too many famous people to count, just look it up yourself).
Lindsay Weir (bottom left), is going through an identity crisis, and she doesn't really know where to go socially. She falls in with the Freak group (left). Her little brother Sam, is just starting high school and getting used to being the bottom of the social ladder, with his friends Bill and Neal.
It starts off fairly slowly, but by the second or third episode it's off to the races. A particularly funny instance is the Halloween episode where Bill (he's the tallest geek) dresses up as the Bionic Woman. He just doesn't understand why everyone gives him weird looks. He has great lines in this sequence ("I'm not a little girl, I'm a bionic woman" and "Guys, lets go, my bra is starting to chafe")


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